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Jon Gomm

Jon Gromm playing acoustic guitar next to a Blackstar Sonnet acoustic guitar amp in a studio

Jon Gomm

Jon Gomm, based in Yorkshire in the UK, is an acoustic singer-songwriter with a revolutionary virtuoso guitar style, where he uses one acoustic guitar to create drum sounds, bass lines and twisting melodies all at the same time. The emphasis is still on the soulful vocals and songwriting, and his original material is influenced by everything from Robert Johnson to Radiohead. 

Jon is a truly and fiercely independent artist, with his own label and no mainstream industry support, but using mostly online social networks for promotion, he has defied the odds with a huge, truly supportive fan base resulting in headline tours on all 5 continents, from Australia, Canada and Europe to China and South Africa and South America. His debut CD Hypertension has sold over 50,000 copies at the time of writing, and his second CD Don’t Panic sold out within 3 days of appearing on Amazon. His videos are watched tens of thousands of times within minutes of appearing on Youtube.

Jon Gromm smiling and playing acoustic guitar next to a Blackstar Sonnet acoustic guitar amp in a studio

The sound is so pure, uncoloured and has the full spectrum of my sound. It’s really like having a little PA system in a small, light box. I love it.

Jon Gomm

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